Conviction Parameters

Conviction Voting allows proposals to be evaluated continuously and concurrently. Participants can express their preferences for the proposals they support, and their support accumulates over time. Any actions connected to a Conviction Voting Pool - like a funding distribution - are only executable when Conviction reaches a calculated threshold.

Conviction growth

Pool Types = Funding, Signaling, Streaming

Determines the rate at which a proposal accumulates conviction.

A higher value for Conviction Growth means proposals will take longer to accumulate strength based on their support. This parameter is logarithmic and represents its "half-life," or the amount of time for conviction to reach 50% of its support. Example:

  • Conviction Growth = 7 days.

  • Alice has 10% of a Pool's voting weight, and supports Proposal B with all of her voting weight. After leaving her support allocated for 14 days, conviction on Proposal B is 7.5%, or 2 half-lifes.

Minimum Conviction

Pool Types = Funding, Streaming

In a Funding Pool, minimum conviction is the minimum voting weight needed for a proposal to pass. This parameter is defined as a percentage of total voting weight in a pool, and sets the amount of conviction needed for the smallest possible funding proposal (i.e. 0 tokens) to pass.

In a Streaming Pool, minimum conviction is the percentage of voting weight needed for the tokens to begin streaming.

Spending Limit

Pool Types = Funding

The spending limit caps the number of tokens that can be requested in a single proposal. This parameter is defined as a percentage of tokens in the funding pool, and sets the amount of tokens requested where the proposal cannot be passed because 100% of the Pool's voting weight would need to accumulate conviction.

Fixed Minimum Threshold

Pool Types = Funding

This threshold is a fixed value representing the minimum voting weight that conviction must reach for a proposal to pass.

This parameter overrides the Minimum Conviction parameter when its value is greater, and is a safeguard for newly created Pools or Pools that for any other reason do not have enough voting weight activated for funds to be considered secure.

Last updated